Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Argumentative Essay In Favor of Euthanasia Essay

â€Å"Euthanasia is the administration of a lethal agent by another person to a patient for the purpose of relieving the patient’s intolerable and incurable suffering†. When we talk about euthanasia it is meant as a means to help someone to achieve a good death. The majority of those who seek euthanasia are terminally ill and do not have any other options. Either they stay alive and suffer from the severe pain, the symptoms, and the side effects like bedsores, or they decide to end their agony and choose the only other alternative. Unlike what some people think, euthanasia is used as a last resort and is only meant for people who face an imminent death. It is not meant â€Å"to kill†, but to help the dying die with dignity. Given that everyone has the right to die with dignity, as soon as the suffering comes to a decision to shorten his or her last days or weeks in order to end the unbearable pain, the society should accept it and do everything in their power to make it possible. Euthanasia is considered accepted among its supporters only if the following ethical guidelines are met. The person must be an adult in a rational state of mind, whose terminal suffering happens to be unbearable despite the best medical efforts. Secondly, the person must have clearly made a considered decision. As Timothy M. Quill illustrates in his essay â€Å"Death and Dignity† Diane, a woman diagnosed with terminal leukemia, her husband, and her son talked about her disease and the options including treatment extensively; however, â€Å"She remained very clear about her wish not to undergo chemotherapy and to live whatever time she had left outside the hospital†. An individual can express his or her preferences about healthcare at the end of life, for example by writing a living will, or even, in today’s more open and tolerant society, freely discuss the option of euthanasia with a health-care professional or a family member. Timothy M. Quill notes in the same essay Diane’s wish to die, once she â€Å"lost control of herself and her dignity†. She discussed this wish with her family and her doctor and asked them for their help and support. They were not happy about this, but they agreed to respect her choice, and that is what they did. Her doctor had regular meetings with her and talked to her about â€Å"the philosophy of comfort care†, but also about the â€Å"Hemlock Society†. As her condition worsened, she called up her closest friends including her doctor and said goodbye to them. Two days later she  asked her husband and her son to leave her alone for an hour after saying goodbye to them. After an hour, they found her dead â€Å"covered by her favorite shawl†. Euthanasia should not be carried out at the first knowledge of a life-threatening illness, and the individual must seek reasonable medical help to cure or at least slow down the progress of the terminal dise ase. Life is precious and is also worth a fight. Euthanasia is only an option when the fight is hopeless and the agony unbearable. However, once the decision is made, the treating physician must be informed and his or her response should be considered. It is always possible, that the diagnosis has been misheard or misunderstood; furthermore, the individual’s decision could have been triggered by major depression or any other curable mental illness. I think everyone would agree that each physician confronted with a patient seeking help to commit suicide should involve psychiatric consultation in order to rule out major depression before euthanasia should even be considered. After excluding any form of a treatable illness, it should be the physician’s choice whether or not to assist the patient to commit suicide. Under normal circumstances we do not have the right to kill or to let someone die, but there are some exceptions to this rule. A physician is permitted to withhold treatment and let the patient die, if it is so desired by the patient or a legal representative. However, if the same person under the same circumstances wishes to be helped directly in order to end his or her suffering, the physician is not allowed to assist this person put an end to his or her life. According to the American Medical Association â€Å"The physician who performs euthanasia assumes unique responsibility for the act of ending the patient’s life†. On the other hand the AMA also states â€Å"Physicians have an obligation to relieve pain and suffering and to promote the dignity and autonomy of dying patients in their care. This includes providing effective palliative treatment even though it may foreseeably hasten death.†The above statement shows us that AMA prohibits active euthanasia, â€Å"the administration of a lethal agent by another person to a patient for the purpose of relieving the patient’s intolerable and incurable suffering.†, yet allows passive euthanasia, â€Å"at least in some cases, to  withhold treatment and allow a patient to die†. James Rachels argues for why physicians should place passive euthanasia in the same category as active euthanasia. First, techniques of passive euthanasia extend the suffering of the patient, because it takes longer to passively allow the patient to die than it would if active measures were taken. Second, Rachels argues that passive euthanasia encourages the physician to make decisions on irrelevant grounds. For example, children born with Down’s syndrome often have correctable congenital defects, but sometimes the parents refuse the surgery, because they do not want a child with Down’s syndrome; therefore, they let the infant die. Rachels’ example might be a little extreme, but if we really want to be honest with ourselves, we should recognize that active euthanasia seems to be more humane in some cases than passive euthanasia. Advances in medical technology brought about a number of miracles to keep us healthy and to help us live longer; however, modern medicine has not entirely solved the problem of terminal illness and pain. It has even contributed to the complication of the decisions we might be confronted with towards the end of our life, or the life of a loved one. We are going to face life-and-death decisions, we should always choose life over death when life is truly possible, but tragic circumstances can make the afterlife a better life for some people. Euthanasia is an option not a destination. After all â€Å"No one wants to live to be one hundred, until you ask the man who is ninety-nine.† Reference page E. Quill, M.D. Death and DignityA Case of Individualized Decision MakingPrinted in The New England Journal of Medicine,March 7, 1991, Vol. 324, No. 10, pp 691-694. and Dignity: Making Choices and Taking Charge by Timothy E. Quill. W.W. Norton & Company, New York.  ©1993The American Medical Association Rachels : Active and Passive

Health Education Tool Development Essay

Modify or create a health education tool that is appropriate for your participating family. Ensure that your tool achieves the following:  · Identifies the family’s health and educational needs  · Establishes educational goals and objectives  · Uses appropriate educational methods  · Uses the appropriate language and literacy level  · Is sensitive to the family’s cultural or religious background  · Makes use of the types of technology resources available to the family  · Include all supporting materials (handouts, Internet resources, demonstrations, or sample materials) Explain how you will deliver your health education tool to the participating family. Address the following:  · How the tool was selected, modified, or created  · Why the tool is appropriate for the family  · How the tool addresses the family’s health needs  · How the tool relates to the Healthy People 2020 Health Indicators  · How the tool coordinates with, complements, or replaces community health services  · If you modified an existing health education tool in any way, provide a reference to the original material. Prepare a 10-minute presentation of your health education tool. You many use one of the following formats:  · In class oral presentation  · Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® including speaker’s notes  · Video of yourself presenting the information uploaded to a video sharing website such as (Submit a link to your facilitator)  · Another format approved by your facilitator Note. You will not a†¦ Find needed answers here – Speak with your professors daily to build strong relationships. Professors are the ultimate resource and can do a lot to help you along the way. Be sure to help if the opportunity presents itself and ask a lot of questions. Maintaining these good relationships can be advantageous while you are going to college. General Questions – General General Questions Resources: Windshield Survey; Community Assessment; Family Assessment; and Assignment Grading Criteria: Health Education Tool Development and Presentation Modify or create a health education tool that is appropriate for your participating family. Ensure that your tool achieves the following:  · Identifies the family’s health and educational needs  · Establishes educational goals and objectives  · Uses appropriate educational methods  · Uses the appropriate language and literacy level  · Is sensitive to the family’s cultural or religious background  · Makes use of the types of technology resources available to the family  · Include all supporting materials (handouts, Internet resources, demonstrations, or sample materials) Explain how you will deliver your health education tool to the participating family. Address the following:  · How the tool was selected, modified, or created  · Why the tool is appropriate for the family  · How the tool addresses the family’s health needs  · How the tool relates to the Healthy People 2020 Health Indicators  · How the tool coordinates with, complements, or replaces community health services  · If you modified an existing health education tool in any way, provide a reference to the original material. Prepare a 10-minute presentation of your health education tool. You many use one of the following formats:  · In class oral presentation  · Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® including speaker’s notes  · Video of yourself presenting the information uploaded to a video sharing website such as (Submit a link to your facilitator)  · Another format approved by your facilitator Note. You will not actually deliver this health education tool to the participating family. The tool is developed and presented only to your classmates and facilitator. Submit the following with your assignm†¦

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Implication for Managers Essay

The European Model presented a different approach to management that is uniquely different from its counterparts in the United States. The innovative form of management in Europe gain popularity because of the noticeable faster pace of innovation of Europeans as compared with the Japanese. The radical change in Europe is brought about by the tendency of firms from this continent to continuously seek new forms of organization by reforming structures, processes, and boundaries. The distinction of European firms from other countries is there degree of lateral flexibility wherein they can adjust to the differences of cultures, socio-economic, and legal systems across national boundaries. As a result, European firms excel on temporal flexibility that includes innovations that are related to progress, development of technologies, and the changes in social and economic realms over time (Tsutsui, 2001). In relation to this, European firms become more competitive because of the different management style that they implement, which is based on humanizing work in order to develop the needs of people in an organization that is increasingly becoming more nationally diverse. Being the case, the European management style has great implications on managers when it comes to the way they handle the operations and processes of the organizations and most especially on the way they manage employees (Grint, 1997). The Digital Equipment Corporation’s (DEC) is a manufacturing plant in Ayr, Scotland. During the end of the 1980s, DEC decided to respond to the need of American organizations to adapt to the commercial requirements of the European market when it comes to computer technology. The main problem highlighted in the Western-style of management is that it strictly follows the Taylor model of management. Western firms believe that effective management entails that there should a strict distinction among executives and workers. The executives have the responsibility of thinking what the employees should do and workers only have to follow it. In line with this, DEC adopted the â€Å"high-performance work design† in order to address the requirements for new product development, especially in the Far East. Due to the changes in the operation of DEC, the management styles of the organization have to change. The employees of DEC were trained and autonomous work groups were established in order to respond to the need of employees for flexibility and skills acquisition (Armstrong, 2006). The employees of DEC need a supportive style rather than a directive style of management. Being the case, the management style veers away from the concept of mass production and also of Taylorism and point towards the idea that management is a natural process that can actually happen by means of flexible workforce and production organization (Andersen & Taylor, 2005). The change in the management style of DEC has a huge implication on the managers of the organization. The managers of an organization have a pivotal role in the overall operations of the organization namely: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling (Lewis et al. 2006). In the case of DEC, managers have to do different tasks during the transition of the organization to a high-performance work design. First, the concept of focus is highly emphasized in the view of management when it comes to influencing the workforce when it comes to selling the development of new products. Second, managers have to give attention to the support of policies. Managers have to encourage employees to develop their skills by means of implementing a reward system. Third, managers have to establish a good and responsible working organization. DEC established work groups wherein each group that is compose of 12 members need to properly accomplish their responsibilities, including clocking in and out individually because flexitime was implemented. Fourth, the management style of the organizations greatly affected the managers because they have to implement a different style of leadership that gives individual support for employees rather than directive coordination. Fifth, project managers also have the responsibility to create new product line and collaborate with other employees in order to get their opinion and help in creating a competitive edge for the product. Sixth, managers have to make sure of engendering ownership when it comes to the process of the organization wherein managers have to gain the participation and enthusiasm of the employees (Jackson, 2002). The responsibilities of the managers of DEC during the transition in the management style of the organization represent the importance and pivotal role of managers. Contrary to the common belief that managers only have to deal with creating new ideas, planning, and managing the finances and other aspects of the company, a different perspective of managers is given by the European model that is exemplified in the case of DEC. Managers are viewed not merely as executive managers but rather leaders that actually inspire, direct, and guide their employees. In a world that is increasingly becoming competitive, managers of different organizations have to learn from the European model that humanizes the way of management (Leavitt, 2005). Managers in this kind of model do not merely relate themselves more with the employees but they are actually making the organization more relevant to the employees. The employees can actually realize the objectives of the company and be participative and enthusiastic enough to take part in achieving these goals rather than merely thinking of it as mechanical work that they have to do in exchange for money. Managers have the capacity to direct the organization towards its success and in doing so, they also have to give importance to development and growth of the employees.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Evaluation Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Evaluation - Movie Review Example The story revolves around a family where the father is a loser, the mother is a drunkard and the protagonist is a frustrated son trying to escape such dilemma. To do so, he often goes to his friend’s laboratory. During one of his visits, his scientist friend shows his invention, a time-machine; when all of a sudden, a group of thugs riding a van shot at the doctor. As he tries to escape the criminals, Marty rides the time machine which brought him to the past. His travel did not only offer adventures but a chance to help his father become a better man. Indeed, this is a unique way of presenting the common plot of stories of making things right. The protagonist living in his parent’s teenage world is also a wonderful way of doing â€Å"flashback† although of course it is not called a flashback because the scenes should be current. With such presentation of the story, it is awesome to think about a story sequentially unfolds but still is able to bring the audience back to the past and back to the future. The plot is pure genius and it exceeds my expectation of a good plot. Theme should always be a criterion for judging a story especially when it extends to various aspects of life. Obviously, the theme of Back to the Future is about changing for the better, perseverance and love. Nevertheless, sometimes, it is not the obvious that makes things great but the inconspicuous. I agree with Rubin Safaya who wrote about easily dismissed scenes that portray a well-thought theme. In his article, Safaya mentions the joke about the former actor Reagan becoming the president and Lou becoming one of the early colored politicians (2010). Such portrayals imply the theme of living the American dream, that nothing is impossible for a person who is determined to make his way to success. The actors are have well-played their parts to make the story come to life. Among the many reviews on

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Business Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Business Communication - Essay Example A motivated team with clearly defined goals is capable of handling tough assignments effectively and efficiently. Today, people are constantly bombarded with the message that their top priority is to single handedly emerge as the best in the process forgetting the value of teamwork. Most managers ignore this vital aspect of business forgetting that without it, the company is doomed to fail as one can not work alone. Managers need to work with a group of carefully selected individuals who will complement their skills in order to achieve a specific objective to enhance efficient running of the organization. In this paper, teamwork shall be looked at in depth, the major factors that ensure the delivery of a team and factors that lead to strained relationships within a team. Teamwork is the ultimate competitive advantage because very few people properly execute it to get the best possible results. According to Accel team (2010) building a strong team remains one of the greatest hurdles managers have to overcome. Although not an impossible task, it is time consuming and needs a great deal of patience especially since human beings are inherently unmotivated. Its place in companies and the business world at large is critical and managers have to learn the art of carefully picking out members of a team and push them towards a unified direction. A team needs an assertive leader to ensure everybody carries out their work. In essence, a hands-on leader is the backbone of the team and they set the pace for the rest of the team. They need to work with diligence and ensure the completion of their end of the deal by doing their part well. They need to motivate the team, be a source of inspiration and yet be part of the team in working towards the goal. In a team every member has a role to play; they complement one another and eventually achieving success. For teamwork to succeed, each person has to realize the importance of other team players and recognize that without

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Strategic Management Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Strategic Management Accounting - Essay Example operator of the largest civilian fleet of the world and accordingly employs more than 6, 26,764 staffs in order to ensure successful running of the widely dispersed network (Crew and Brennan, 2015). The paper will explore the organizational structure, different constituents of product and capital markets for the purpose of understanding interaction between both the markets. The main reason behind USPS to maintain their long established and well maintained postal services is the steady internal structure of the organization. The present structure of the organization is designed in such a manner that ensures coordination and conformation of three distinct organizational responsibilities such as: formulating strategic directions, coordinating and carrying out routine operations and providing necessary support for managing other internal functions (Carbaugh and Tenerelli, 2011). The headquarters are delegated to fundamental responsibilities such as strategy determination and formulation of organizational objectives. For monitoring and controlling the daily operations, the organization has assigned Chief Operating Officers (COO) (Baligh, 2006). However, among all such units, decision making and delegation of responsibilities are maintained by the departments residing in the headquarters. This shows a relatively bureaucratic organizational structure. As a result of operating since 1970s, evolution of multiple cross functional departments further complicated the systems of the organization. Therefore, the organizational structure of USPS may be transformed into a functional structure where individual departments will be able to make decisions in order to speed up the pace of service (Carbaugh and Tenerelli, 2011). Such organizational structure will contribute towards minimizing the complexities among departments and accelerating the postal services in the United States (Baligh, 2006). Considering products and services provided by the United States Postal Service, the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Blended Learnning in Higher Education in Saudi Arabia Research Paper

Blended Learnning in Higher Education in Saudi Arabia - Research Paper Example (Graham 5). While internationally, there has been impressive research on the recognitions of e-taking in and blended learning, in with its diverse models, there is a lot of space for further research particularly in the Arab locale, and in Saudi Arabia where blended learning in is currently just starting to be introduced. (Alebaikan RA) The development of teaching method and educational program configuration includes educationalists and specialists investigating hypothetical and commonsense pathways, particularly with open doors offered by the web. This is no more obvious than in tertiary education, with framework, instructional method and educational module advancement for higher education, as well as for different parts, for example, preparing and industry Singh, (2003) and Holley & Oliver, (2010) believe that the presentation of internet learning conveyance frameworks expanded accessibility and adaptability in the educational module, improving correspondence and the learning backg round, in any case, there are issues with completely online courses in connection to the absence of social contact, decisions, and engagement (Almalki 5). The idea of blended learning alludes to the pedagogical standard of a proactive person concentrate on educational module conveyance, instead of as a latent onlooker present at an address. Utilizing the qualities of online and up close and personal learning, blended learning educational module conveyance utilizes these ideas to join the relative focal points of both situations and examination demonstrates that blended learning conveyance is expanding in higher education (Chandra, 2004; Garrison & Vaughan, 2008; Graham, 2006; Picciano, 2009). There are a few alternatives in outlining a blended learning educational program and organizations actualize this type of learning for diverse reasons and use distinctive educational program

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Benefits of Going Green. Improving the Environmental and Ethical Image Essay

Benefits of Going Green. Improving the Environmental and Ethical Image of a Restaurant - Essay Example It is practically one of the biggest business trends of the last quarter of a century alongside adoption of computers and the internet. This then begs the question; what has prompted organizations to take up green ways? Investigations into the issue point to the fact that going green is not just empty trend, but a powerful strategy to gain competitive advantage for organizations in modern times. It enables a company to create a good corporate image and reduce costs thus maximizing profitability. Although there is evidence to support this, several companies have still not found going green a strategy worth pursuing. Hence, this part of the paper explores what going green entails and the benefits it accrues to businesses especially in the automobile industry, the food industry and the accounting/audit industry, which can be extrapolated to any other businesses. What is â€Å"Going Green?† Going green in a business is usually defined as the practice of monitoring, reducing and measuring the environmental and social costs of conducting business (Polimeni et al. 2010). Going green generally involves reducing wastes, decreasing use of energy and adoption of recycling techniques. Depending on the industry, strategies for going green include cutting on paper work, encouraging employees to car-pool, giving incentives to employees to adopt green technologies such as buying hybrid vehicles, reusable water bottles and using alternative sources of energy among others. A company that wishes to go green needs to make it a policy and communicate this to its employees. The policy should contain the company’s commitment to go green and the proposed strategies of doing this as appropriate to the company. The management should be committed to adopt these strategies in order to make employees follow suit. Benefits of Going Green The benefits of adopting green strategies are wide and varied across all industries, especially with the recent global economic melt-down. Case examples of industries that have adopted these strategies and the benefits they have accrued are studied and general benefits accrued discussed at the end. One of the biggest sectors that is directly affected and directly influences all other organizations in terms of the environment is the automobile industry. Vehicle manufacturers are at the forefront of adoption of green technologies, and thus the increasing emphasis on hybrid and electric vehicle. Robinson’s and Schroelder’s (2009) study of Subaru Indiana Automotive Inc. illustrates that through green principles and efficiency improves not only environmental conservation but also profits plus competitive advantages. Employees at every level in the company continuously pursue strategies to increase efficiency, reduce production of wastes and also reduce energy consumption. The strategies have resulted in 14% reduction of ele ctricity consumption since the year 2000, plus the company has not taken any wastes to the depository since 2004 as of 2009. The company has saved on costs in both long term and short term basis, with habits such as dimming lights when workers are on a break reaping immediate savings on costs. Other strategies such as redesigning processes initially increased costs but they have over time resulted in cost-saving. The two authors also found out that going green in the company involves detailed scrutiny of operations and new perspectives, which lead to innovations that create competitive advan

Renanlt Nissan the making of Global Alliance case Essay

Renanlt Nissan the making of Global Alliance case - Essay Example major changes were taking within the global automotive market characterized by large-scale mergers between some of the major automotive companies in the world. In addition, the economic slowdown being experienced in the Asian region was also affecting the industry, with many of the Asian automotive manufacturers experiencing financial problems. Conversely, the earlier attempted merger between the company and the Swedish carmaker Volvo in 1993 was unsuccessful and had left a negative effect on the company. This merger had been a well-planned initiative that was based on shared synergies between Renault and Volvo and comprised a significant part of the European industrial policy (Krcmar & Klein, 2006). The merger negotiations had lasted for three years and had involved various key authorities, including the French industrial minister, as the French government was a major stakeholder in the company. It was therefore important for the company to be able to undertake a successful merger undertaking in order to go past the effects of the previous failed merger. A major strength involved the company’s privatization 1996 due to the various changes in the country that resulted in the separation of economic and political factors and influences. This privatization process resulted in the French government owning only 46% of the company’s shareholding (Krcmar & Klein, 2006). As such, the management was quite sure that the company’s shareholders would approve the company’s need to expand as well as provide the management with a conducive environment to implement the company’s strategy. Another major strength of the company was its experience and market share, as the company was a major automotive producer within the western European and South America automotive markets and had a 5% of the total global automotive market. The company had excelled in the field of mid-range cars and light commercial vehicles. It was also ahead in cost reduction, efficient purchasing and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

A paper for oceanography based off of the book called The Eskimo and Essay - 1

A paper for oceanography based off of the book called The Eskimo and the Oil Man by Bob Reis - Essay Example ng of the global climates and the trending climatic concerns such as the global warming and the possible impacts on the ecosystem dynamics and the life supporting atmospheric portion i.e. the biosphere at large. The atmosphere and the biosphere are interrelated through the natural processes of evaporation, precipitation and the natural heat exchange processes. This refers to the study of the ecology of the marine ecosystems with regards to their surrounding ocean environment. Marine biologists study the life in the oceans (marine ecology) and as well as the total organic production in the seas and oceans. The marine life consists of the floating or weakly swimming organisms known as planktons and rapidly swimming organisms referred to as nektons. Marine oceanographers map the floors of oceans, analyze the problems of the shorelines, and study the deposits and other sediments of the ocean floor and rock layers of the earth’s crust. Biological oceanography therefore looks into the influence of the ocean’s physical, chemical and the geological characteristics on the marine ecology or ecosystems. This is the study of the Chemistry underlying the ocean environment and the processes of its interactions with the atmosphere. Chemical oceanography is looks into the chemistry of seawater, the major salts it contains, and other trace elements found in the oceans. This is the study of the physical processes of the oceans such as the mixing, waves, tides, ocean currents, water transparency density and temperature; as well as under water acoustics and sound transmission. In his book, The Eskimo and the Oil Man: The Battle at the Top of the World for America’s Future, Bob Reiss is particularly concerned with the Oil exploration strategy by the Shell Company on the North Arctic coast of Alaska, focusing on the potential threats to the Ocean, impact on the marine ecosystems and the Americans living within the neighborhood. This intertwines all the mentioned branches of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Choose one faith tradition and offer a critical reflection on the role Essay

Choose one faith tradition and offer a critical reflection on the role of food - Essay Example When it comes to Islam, eating is considered as a matter of faith and the dietary practices associated with the religion are essentially about the obedience of God (Dudek, 2006, p. 251). All the true Muslim adherents show their obedience to God through consumption of foods that the religion allows -halal. These foods are defined in the Quran and also in the sayings that are linked to the prophet, Muhammad. Muslims abide by these recommendations since it is the word of God in the Quran. The health benefits associated with the Muslim diets have been acknowledged by science, and thus qualify God’s wisdom while highlighting His benevolence (Brunk and Coward, 2009, p. 149). It is actually the directives of Allah that are important with the advantages in terms of health being ancillary. The Muslims are required to recite the Quran before the start eating a meal and after they finish thanking God for the provision. It is considered appropriate to eat using the right hand and in the c ompany of people. They are also required to pronounce Allah’s name when they are in the process of slaughtering animals. Muslims are required to think and envisage all the items of food they eat through remembering God as the Creator and Designer, as well as the Organizer and the one who provides (Tottoli, 2015, p. 112). A state that resembles a prayer may be achieved in the process of doing this. Islam teaches that it is important to feed when one develops hunger and when one sits down to eat; the eating should be done in moderation. According to the advice of the Prophet, an individual’s stomach should be divided in to three equal parts that will accommodate food, fluids and space for respiration. As an individual is eating, he must remember those who are hungry. A person may avoid damnation through feeding people or animals that are dying. Days that Muslims feast fluctuate according to the lunar calendar and include Eid al-Fitr, which comes after the conclusion of the month

Monday, July 22, 2019

Morality and Religion Essay Example for Free

Morality and Religion Essay There is a close relationship between morality and ethics but they do not mean the same thing. On the other hand, anti-morality and anti-nature are aspects, which negate vital instincts. Friedrich Nietzsche is a renowned philosopher who criticized social laws, religion, and honorable in a radical manner. Nietzsche argues that, â€Å"anti-nature refers to the idea of allowing human beings to coerce others into adopting their beliefs and morals† (Friedrich 404). Friedrich Nietzsche had a personal belief that morality is anti-nature. In fact, Nietzsche states that, â€Å"Every naturalism in morality-that is every health morality-is dominated by an instinct of life† (349). Indeed, Nietzsche helps us to define the idea of anti-nature by asserting that a human being is seemingly refuting the reality by denying their personal passion. In fact, according to Nietzsche and his moral philosophy, the healthiest moralities accommodate natural aspects while the unhealthy moralities negate nature. Nature derives human desires, which consequently define individual personality and how human beings behave. Nietzsche observes that human beings should have the free will to choose what they want without coercion from any external forces. He further quotes that, â€Å"Anti-natural molarity-that is almost every morality which has so far been taught, revered, and preached-turns conversely against the instincts of life: it is condemnation of these instincts† (349). He also disputes the common notion that religions like Christianity drive human life and consequently asserts that religion and dominance of morality inhibits human nature. In this context, Nietzsche argues that ardent followers of a certain religion ignore the nature of humanity since religion forces individuals to behave in a manner that will please the supreme ruler of the reference religion. Friedrich Nietzsche holds that religion especially Christianity opposes human nature because it gives a leeway to individuals to adopt religious doctrines about human life hence limiting individuals from celebrating nature. Indeed, Nietzsche states that the most general foundation of every religion and morality is, â€Å"Do this and that, refrain from this and that,-then you will be happy† (352)! He uses this explanation to support the concept of anti-nature in morality. Notably, Nietzsche refers to morality as anti-nature by asserting that human desires control what individuals do, do not do, and confirms that morality draws away the course of nature. Nevertheless, various philosophers identify with the fact that nature generates human desires that consequently define human personality and morality. However, I strongly oppose Nietzsche’s notion that human nature is prone to alternation by both morality and religion. Most specifically, I note that Nietzsche depicts religious people like Christians as hypocrites who can do anything to please God at the expense of altering their human nature. Ideally, Christians are rational beings who do not have such morality. Indeed, very few Christians would identify with Nietzsche’s argument since his ideas discourage Christians from following their religion. Notably, Nietzsche’s argument that religion alters human nature by allowing Christians to adopt different aspects of life that prevent them from celebrating life is misguided. This is because Christians have morals that allow them to enjoy their lives just like any other person. In fact, his argument is not universal since it only addresses Christians thus leaving a significant population out. Assuredly, Nietzsche discourages people from adopting religion’s doctrines that alter human passions but encourages people to follow their human desires (Jacobus 67). I also oppose Nietzsche’s argument since it does not support religion and thus discourages many Christians from adopting his views. In fact, I will compare Nietzsche’s moral philosophy with Iris Murdoch’s philosophy with a view of disregarding the assertions of Nietzsche’s reference to morality as anti-nature. Notably, Iris Murdoch addresses the concept of morality where she incorporates religion in addressing morality. In fact, her argument does not discourage the adoption of religious doctrines in morality thus attracting the attention of Christians and other religious people. Unlike, Nietzsche who blames religion for altering human nature and passions, Murdoch believes that religion affects morality in a positive manner. Nietzsche uses the naturalistic perspective to support his argument where the naturalistic perspective on religion contradicts with the idea of human beings by taking the responsibility of controlling their given passions and nature. More so, Nietzsche’s criticism on the effects of religion on human morality does not correlate with any religious, philosophical, social, or historical example and hence its irrationality. As such, Nietzsche’s argument lacks logic to me. On the other hand, Nietzsche does not incorporate the idea of human responsibility, which every human being should adopt. In fact, the act of satisfying individual responsibility is a moral behavior that resides outside the premises of religion. Actually, some philosophers like Murdoch claims that religion improves right morals by instilling a conviction and belief of doing the right things while out of control. Indeed, religion plays a noble role of encouraging humans to abide by the code of ethics set by the government or any relevant institution. In fact, Murdoch asserts that religion plays a huge role in generating someone’s morals by instilling the urge to remain focused on individual objectives. She further confirms that human nature accommodates the aspect of fulfilling one’s responsibility. With this argument, we can derive that religion does not alter human nature and that responsibilities propel human beings to decide and behave in a certain manner. Again, this assertion is stronger than that of Nietzsche, which claims that religion inhibits human nature. Michael Gazzaniga seemingly opposes Nietzsche ideologies in some way. According to Gazzaniga, people who believe in religion would only be classified under Nietzsche ideology of anti-nature if they allowed religion to take over their life (Jacobus 415-420). It is agreeable that some religion fanatics have taken religion to control everything in their life. Therefore, such people would simply be anti-nature as argued by Nietzsche. However, the majorities of religious people have not gone to the extremities of religion and therefore, according to Gazzaniga, they are living normal lives naturally. Nietzsche limits discussions and contributions of other philosophers and commands the audience to believe in his beliefs. Indeed, Nietzsche is an anti-realist about morality. This is because he does not abhor his positive views on morality and equally refutes all criticism against his views. In fact, he disregards any opinion that contradicts his own and thus his rhetoric character on morality. Indeed, he denies the objective of morality by believing that human beings have the responsibility of determining their morality, a fact Gazzaniga negates when he says that those who have control of religion have control of nature and morality as well (Jacobus 415-420). At the same time, Nietzsche’s argument lacks the support of any political philosophy since his views lack a systematic approach about the society. On the other hand, Murdoch does not speak with finality, encourages the participation of other philosophers, and accords the audiences’ free will to accept his argument. Such a leeway only allows individuals to buy Murdoch’s argument with a view of improving it and rejecting Nietzsche’s argument since it is discouraging to Christians and is seemingly irrational. Moreover, Nietzsche’s argument only presents what is wrong but does not present what is right while Murdoch helps us to derive the difference between right and wrong morals. Notably, Nietzsche argues that human beings cannot redeem themselves after neglecting their nature desires. This assertion is wrong since human beings always have a desire to fix their wrongs with a view of becoming better people in the society. Moreover, contrary to Nietzsche’s argument, it is factual that individuals can only achieve their goals by following their convictions and beliefs and denying their human desires, which mostly lead to immorality. Notably, religion derives this conviction, which encourages followers to adopt good morals and avoid sin as it leads to punishment. This negates Nietzsche’s claim that religion alters human nature and that human desires define morality. As such, I dispute Nietzsche’s views, which discourage religion from instilling the right morals and consequently identify with the idea that humans have the capacity to define their morals naturally. I agree that our morals depend on our conviction and not our desires as Nietzsche claims. Additionally, I disagree with Nietzsche’s idea that nature plays no role in defining our morals since nature plays a significant role in determining our behaviors. As such, I reject Friedrich Nietzsche’s assumption that morality is anti-nature. Works Cited Friedrich, Nietzsche. The Selected Writings of Friedrich Nietzsche. Lanham: Start Publishing LLC, 2013. Internet resource. Jacobus, Lee. A World of Ideas: Essential Readings for College Writers. New York: Bedford/St. Martins, 2009. Print. Nietzsche, Friedrich. â€Å"Morality as Anti-Nature. † 347-356. Murdoch, Iris, â€Å"Morality and religion. † Jacobus 363-371 Gazzaniga, Michael. â€Å"Toward a Universal Ethics. † Jacobus 419-431.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impact of Human Resources Management

Impact of Human Resources Management Robert Proctor Introduction The purpose of this paper is to answer questions about the Human Resource Managers impact during organizational changes or challenges and two questions about my experience with change and challenge with the support of the Human Resource Management of my organization the Navy Personnel Support Detachment (PSD). What are the competencies of a Human Resource Manager? One writer defines Human Resources competencies skills sets as intrinsic characteristics which exhibit themselves through ones personal traits, habits, motives, social roles, and self-image. All these attributes enable a person to deliver excellence in performance in any given job, role, or situation (Darvish, Moogali, Moosavi, Panahi, 2012). Snell and Bohlander categorizes these competencies into mastery sets called: business mastery, human mastery and personal credibility (Snell Bohlander, 2012). In my opinion, I see the position of the Human Resources Manager as being that of a middleman in any organization who is tasked with providing the human touch within the organization. As the writer states above, they are the branch of any organization that must operate at the highest level of proficiency in all areas. The Human Resources Management department of my organization (Department of the Air Force) in my experience is a group of people who one can rely on to have answers to a sundry array of issues personally and professionally. I have heard from others of their experiences with HR departments, in their organization, which resulted in less than the standard manner of excellence that one would expect. How a change/challenged was introduced in my organization? The scope of operations for the unit I am assigned to which is the San Antonio Navy Personnel Detachment is to provide administrative and financial services for staff and student military personnel stationed at Joint-Base San Antonio (Fort Sam, Lackland AFB, and Randolph AFB) and the surrounding reserve unit and recruiting commands that are in and around San Antonio and as far north as Austin, Texas. The Department of the Navy Human Resources branch recently conducted a work survey of various personnel support detachment. My unit was involved in that survey. Because of that survey, there was a worldwide operational reconfiguration plan implemented for the realignment of all Navy Personnel Support Detachments. The purpose of this reconfiguration was to consolidate the detachments due to an implementation of an e-resource which took away many of their tasks when it allowed sailor level self-service for many of their administrative and personnel services. This resulted in a need for reduction and an overhaul the current support detachments configuration. This reduction in support detachments was accomplished through consolidation by realignment of support detachments. Because of that change, our unit became the command center for two outlining units (Houston and Corpus Christi). What this meant to us is the demographics of our customer base not only increased in sizes but the complexities of administrative action we would conduct changed as well. Typically, our standard client is enlisted initial entry and retiring Navy personnel. What is the appropriate HR Manager response to for this change/challenge? The HR Department has approached this change from a proactive perspective. We were provided numerous briefings at least 12 months prior to the changed in the configuration that kept everyone informed of the event and provided enough space to answer any concerns as the project moved forward. Once the change began and during the hand-off phase, we were kept in the loop at the leave where the change would affect us the most. Due to the proximity of the units, we inherited the leadership team at the local level began to operate in a flexible fashion that is partly reactive and partly proactive. This flexibility allows the leadership team the opportunity to identify any faults in their operating process to help them better integrate with the command. If they have not accomplished this step yet, I believe Navy HR Department and the local Leadership staff should have an action plan in place that outlines appropriate training requirements that ensure everyone is operating from the same stand ards. Was the involvement of the Human Resources Management beneficial with this change? Overall, the change has progressed fairly smoothly. Though there have been a few miscues along the way, I see the process going forth as efficiently and professionally as it can be done. The leadership has visited the outlining units frequently. And as we receive work from these units, many of the clerks at the command level are noticing a decrease in errors and issues. I believe much of the success in this transition is due in part to the oversight of the Department of the Navy HR department who continue to facilitate the change to ensure the changeover results in a seamless and disruption-free transition. Conclusion The purpose of this paper was to answer questions about the Human Resource Managers impact during organizational changes or challenges and two questions about my experience with change and challenge with the support of the Human Resource Management of my organization the Navy Personnel Support Detachment (PSD). References Darvish, H., Moogali, A., Moosavi , M., Panahi, B. (2012, September 30). Survey relationship between human resources roles and human resources competencies. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2(9), 8. Retrieved from Snell, S. A., Bohlander, G. W. (2012). Managing human resources (29th ed.). [VitalSource Books]. Retrieved from

Breast Cancer And Breast Self Examination

Breast Cancer And Breast Self Examination Breast cancer is a major killer disease of women both globally and regionally. It is the most common cancer among women, and the second cause of deaths among women worldwide (World Health Organization WHO, 2010). The incidence of breast cancer in women remains high. It is estimated that 1,000,000 women develops breast cancer each year and Approximately 519,000 women deaths are related to breast cancer (WHO, 2010; McPherson, Steel, Dixon, 2000). According to Manning-Walsh (2004) breast cancer incidence has increased and it is alarming for women affecting all ages. As a result, interpersonal relationships such as marital or sexual relationship are negatively affected. Stephen (2009) described breast cancer as a malignant (cancerous) growth that begins in the tissues of the breast, cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells grow in an uncontrolled way (p.1). Moreover there is no known cause for breast cancer but there are risk factors that are closely linked to development and progres sion of breast cancer. Breast cancer is classified into four stages. According to The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) revise the four stages are based on tumor size, the degree of lymph node involvement, the presence of inflammatory signs, and evidence of metastasis (Singletary at el. 2002). Stage (I) breast cancer involves primarily small tumors (less than or equal to 2 cm) with no known lymph node involvement and no metastases to other organs, in Egypt few women present at this stage. stage (II) breast cancers are characterized by either slightly larger primary tumor than stage (I) (between 2 and 5 cm) or if there is lymph node involvement. stage (III) consists of large tumors (greater than 5 cm) with signs of inflammatory breast cancer, also if ipsilateral nodes are involved where the tumor has caused the node to be fixed to another node or to other structures it is designated stage (III), high percent of women present in this stage which treatment option are limited. S tage 4 means any metastatic breast cancer no matter what size the tumor or if there is nodal involvement or not. If it is metastatic, it is stage (IV), in general stage (IV) is not considered curable (Singletary at el. 2002). The occurrence of breast cancer creates psychosocial stress for both the patient and her family, due to threat to the patients life and other consequences of breast cancer such as metastasis to other body organs and parts. In addition studies have shown that middle aged women (40-60) are most likely to develop breast cancer, and most patients with breast cancer present for the first time at stages two and three (Khatib, Modjtabai, 2006). Breast cancer has high incidence among women during productive period and has effect on financial as breast cancer treatment is very costly. Breast cancer account for 37% of all types of cancer globally, moreover incidence of breast cancer varies from one country to another (WHO, 2010). In United State of America (USA) around 20 women will develop breast cancer each hour, moreover and around 5 women will die with breast cancer each hour (Lancaster, 2005). Studies have established that the rate of breast cancer is highest in USA and Canada, one out of nine women are expected to develop breast cancer and it is most common among women age 47-73 years old, leading to epidemic proportions in USA and Canada (McPherson, Steel Dixon, 2000; George, 2000; Naeem at el., 2008). 182,460 cases developed breast cancer in USA in 2008 (Jemal at el., 2008). Regional Overview Breast cancer incidence in developing country is high almost as high as in developed countries. One out of nine Pakistani women are expected to developed breast cancer (50 per 100,000), which is high compared to Indian women (19 per 100,000) (Kumar, Imam, Manzoor, Masood, 2009). In Iran, one of the Arabic Country, in 2005 prevalence of breast cancer among women was (22 per 100,000) (Tavafian, Hasani, Aghamolaei, Zareand, Gregory, 2009). Breast cancer is a major health alarms for many countries in the Mediterranean Region such as Bahrain represents 38.4% of all female cancers and in Jordan its represents 28% of all female cancers (Khatib, Modjtabai, 2006; Center for Arab Genomic Studies, 2003). Likewise, breast cancer is the most common cancer among Egyptian women. According to the Egypt National Cancer Institute (NCI) in Egypt, breast cancer represents 18.9% of all cancers cases (35.1% in women and 2.2 % in men) (Omar, et al. 2003). Incidence of breast cancer is not different comparing with other countries which represented (24 per100, 000) and mortality rate related to breast cancer is 9.3% of all cancers (Seif, Aziz, 2000). According to Khatib and Modjtabai (2006) Egyptian women under the age of 50 are more likely to develop breast cancer, where women aged 50 years and older are the most commonly affected group. In Egypt breast cancer is usually detected at late stages (around 60% of cases detected in third stage of breast cancer), when treatment options are limited therefore breast cancer is high fetal (Bender et al. 2005; Ibrahim at el., 2010). In Aswan, breast cancer is most frequent cancer among both males and females (Ibrahim at el. 2010). Moreover it is presents 63.9% of all cancer cases among Aswan females, and most women aged (40-59) are the most commonly affected group. According to Ibrahim at el. (2010) after the age of 20 years, breast cancer became the most frequent cancer with a peak in the age group 40-59 years (p.72). In addition most cases are diagnosed in late stages only 3.1% cases are diagnosed in first stage, on the other hand around 96.2% of breast cancer cases are diagnosed in second and third stage when treatment options are limited making breast cancer is high fetal. As a result it is important to understand Aswan females experience about breast self examination and early detection of breast cancer. Moreover the high incidence and mortality rates of breast cancer, as well as the high cost of treatment and limited resources available, require that it should continue to be a focus of attention for health care providers. The benefits of fighting breast cancer, including the positive impact that early detection and screening can have, need to be carefully addressed. Early detection The early detection of breast cancer is the most important and beneficial area of protection techniques. Diagnosis of breast cancer during the early stages of disease has been positively linked to a decrease in the mortality and morbidity of the illness (Budden, 1998; Gray 1990; Mele, Archer, Pusch, 2005). Early detection of breast cancer is very important to decrease the morbidity and mortality of breast cancer outcome; mammography and breast self examination have been used as strategies for this purpose (Budden, 1998; Gray 1990; Mele, Archer, Pusch, 2005). Moreover there are a number of approaches to the screening of breast cancer such as Breast self-examination (BSE), clinical breast examination and mammography (Khatib, Modjtabai, 2006). (I) BSE is effective, cheap and less painful; however, it is dependent on knowledge, attitude towards BSE practice among women. (II) Clinical breast examination is one of the primary modes of screening for breast cancer. Its effectiveness is dep endent upon the skills of the health care providers and the facilities available. (III) Mammography is known to reduce breast cancer mortality among women, but its benefits are dependent upon several factors such as the equipment used, the skills of the technician and it is expensive as well (Khatib, Modjtabai, 2006; Budden, 1998; Gray 1990; Mele, Archer, Pusch, 2005). Breast Self examination BSE should be preformed every month starting at age 20 (ACS, 2009). The purpose of BSE is for a woman to learn the natural features of her breast, know how her breasts normally feel, thus easier for her to identify and report any new changes to the physician. (Gray, 1990; Highton, 2002). There is strong evidence that BSE can reduce mortality from breast cancer, around 90% of breast cancer are detected by BSE. (Smith, 2002; Wilson Ayers, 2007). However the studies showed that BSE practice is very low. Therefore women should be aware of BSE tool. Consequently there seems to be general agreement on the importance to empower women with BSE knowledge and skill to promote BSE practice. Several studies have shown that there is a gap in knowledge about BSE and practice among women. (Al Qattan, Alsaleh, Al Musallam, Masoud, 2008; Alkhasawneh, Akhu-Zaheya, Suleiman, 2009; Wilson Ayers, 2007). George (2000) the barrier to breast cancer screening could be classified to personal, caregiver or demographic barriers, personal barriers included attitude and lack of information. At caregiver level, the assumption is lack of knowledge, skills, attitude, and consistency. For demographic it could be related to age, education level or culture. A fear of detecting any lump is also considered one of breast cancer screening barrier. The WHO (2010) suggested that to decrease the incidence of breast cancer in developing countries, breast cancer screening programs should be emphasized. The way this phenomenon is perceived by women influenced by many factors such as womens socio cultural beliefs, values, geographical environment, personal knowledge and so on. Women face many challenges in rural areas which may affect their quality of life. To enhance the quality of life of middle age women in rural areas, it is important to have in depth understanding about their BSE perception. Breast self examination practice Knowledge and practice rate of BSE is varies from one country to another. According to Coleman (1991) around 96% of the American women had heard about BSE, however only 19-40% of them practice BSE every month. In the other hand 37% of the Kuwaiti women are practice BSE (Al Qattan, Al Saleh, Al Musallam Masoud, 2008). In literature review only two studies were founded that were conducted in Egypt about BSE one was on Evaluation of effect of breast self examination training program on knowledge, attitude and practice (Seif Aziz, 2000; p. 105), among 122 worker women in Ain Shams University- Lower Egypt. The result showed that around 25% of the participants have knowledge about breast cancer and BSE, however only 10.6% and 11.5% of the total sample practiced BSE. In addition the participant asserted that caregiver teams have an important role to provide the knowledge, skills and practice about BSE (Seif Aziz). The second study is Breast self-examination practice and its impact on bre ast cancer diagnosis in Alexandria, Egypt (Abdel-Fattah, Zaki, Bassili, El-Shazly, Tognoni, 2000, p.34). The result showed that 10. 4% of breast cancer patient practiced BSE after being diagnosed with breast cancer as study was focused on breast cancer patients, to monitor for spread of the cancer to the unaffected breast (Abdel-Fattah, Zaki, Bassili, El-Shazly, Tognoni, 2000). The gap in the two finding, (I) they focused only on percentage of knowledge and practice of BSE. (II) Both studies recommended follow up for studies to assess BSE knowledge and positive attitude and level of practice among women. (III) There is BSE negative attitude among women (72.1%) without explain the reasons. (IV) Both studies show the importance of attitude and perception of women related to BSE practice. Limitations of the two studies as one published in 2000 and the other one in 2003 and both are quantitative research. Usually people life style knowledge, attitude and behavior changes can be meaningfully captured through qualitative studies. In addition this data could be too old and no longer valid. Most of the studies on this subject were quantitative, and were designed to describe the demographic variables associated with BSE practice, increase the compliance or proficiency of women, or evaluate it as a screening technique. However there were recommendations for further s tudies to explore women beliefs and attitude about BSE. The purpose The purpose of this study is to understand the perception of BSE among middle age women, and explore barriers to practice of BSE among Egyptian women. Furthermore, it will help identify knowledge, skills and practice gaps and recommend strategies to address the gap in BSE. Research Question What is the perception related to knowledge, attitude and practices of middle age women regarding breast self examination in rural areas of Aswan, Egypt? Research objective To explore the perception of middle age women related to breast self examination (BSE). To understand Egyptian womens experience about BSE. To assess BSE knowledge and its sources among middle age women. To assess if nurses teach women in community about BSE. To evaluate whether women practice BSE in rural areas. Significance of Proposed Study to Nursing Incidence of breast cancer has increased and it seems that it will continue to rise, as predicted by scientists, physicians and previous studies. To decrease breast cancer morbidity and mortality rate, early detection is important. BSE is an important tool and should be practice to help in early diagnosis breast cancer. This study will enable researcher to understand perception of BSE among middle age women. Nurses who are working in the hospital or other health institute should be aware of breast cancers knowledge, altitude and practice among women. Hence, help them in early detection and intervention. In addition the findings of this study will enhance awareness among health professionals about BSE perception related to knowledge, practice and attitude among women. It also will provide need to plan intervention program about aware of breast cancers early detection knowledge, altitude and practice. As patient education is an integral component of nursing role. (Saarmann, Daugherty Riegel, 2002). So those who are working in different areas in different status, nurses, health workers, lady health visitor and nurse practitioner should be able to provide health education according to their socio-cultural and arrange sessions on sharing the women experience, perception of BSE and guide in understanding early detection techniques. Moreover can expand the research and may help other in further research if they want to search more information on BSE in relation to specific aspects such as cultural and religion. CHAPTER THREE Methodology Study Design Qualitative descriptive-exploratory design will be used for this study. This design is selected science, little is known about BSE experience among women, as the majority of studies carried out on womens knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and practices related to BSE have been quantitative (Kearney, 2006). Which are chiefly designed to describe the demographic variables associated with its practice, increase the compliance or proficiency of women, or evaluate it as a screening technique. According to Polit and Beck (2008) qualitative approach is conducting the study within naturalistic pattern. A qualitative method deals with experiences of human being in real life by exploring it directly. It helps to understand the phenomenon in- deeply, by giving rich and most appropriate information. In addition according to Pope and Mays (1995) suggested that qualitative research helps to understand complex behaviors and attitude. The purpose of exploratory study is to examine a specific concept abo ut which little is known (Burns and Grove, 2007). It emphasizes on identification of factors related to a phenomenon of interest. As this study aims to explore perception related to BES Knowledge, attitude and practice of middle age women in Egypt, therefore, a qualitative exploratory descriptive design is best suited to this study. The purpose The purpose of this study is to understand the perceptionrelated to knowledage , attitude and practice of BSE among middle age women, and explore barriers to practice BSE among Egyptian women. Furthermore, it will help identify knowledge, skills and practice gaps and recommend strategies to address the gap in BSE. Research Question What is the perception related to knowledge, attitude and practices of middle age women regarding Breast self examination in rural areas of Aswan, Egypt? Study Setting and Population Health care clinics in rural areas in Aswan- Egypt will be selected as setting for recruiting participant. The study population would be middle aged (40-60 years) women, coming to the health care clinics. The target population will be all the middle age women who will meet the following inclusion criteria: (I) aged women between 40-60 years. (II) the women who have not been diagnosed with breast cancer. (III) They are living in rural area. (IV) They can speak Arabic or English. (V) They are willing to participate in the study and use audiotape. Women will be excluded if they have any mental illness, as this may affect their judgment, or are not willing to participate in the study. Study Sample and Size The sampling method would be used is purposive sample. This type of sampling is often use by qualitative researcher because the aim is to contact participants who can give in-depth, rich information about the study phenomenon (Polit Beck, 2008). The study samples comprise of 8-12 women who are in middle age or to the point at which data saturation is achieved. Participants Recruitment Health care clinics director, physicians and nurses will be met and discuss about the study and request them to identify potential participants. The women who will come to the health care clinic and who meet the inclusion criteria for the study, nurses will give them invitation and consent letter. The women who will be willing to participate will be asked for informed written and oral consent. Then discuss and agree on the date, time and venue of one to one interview according to the womans convenience. The interview will be held in noise free setting either at health care clinic or at participants house/ convenient place. Data Collection Polit and Beck (2008) Polit study help to assess adequacy of the study and quality of instruments (p. 214). Prior to collecting the data, the pilot testing of interview guide would be done on 1-2 middle age women who would be coming to the health care clinic of Aswan, Egypt, after taking the participants consent. The objectives of Polit study: to evaluate the understanding of the semi structure questions, to assess the comfort level of the women, to identify the amount of time required by the participants and to determine the time of the day that suits best for the interview to be conducted. The data collected from pilot testing will be used as part of the data collection. Data will be collected from April 2011 to June 2011 in Aswan, Egypt. For this study, the data will be collected using semi structured questions to guide an in-depth interview. The time for interview is approximately 50-70 minutes. Individual interview will help to explore individual perception in detail and while maintaining confidentially. It is assumed that the participants may feel more comfortable and free while expressing and sharing their experiences in privacy. Audiotape will be used to record the interview. Notes will be taken for observation made onthings might be relevant to the study, such as participants non verbal communication (facial expressions, posture and other body language). At the end of the session the data will be verified/ cross checked with participants for clarity consistency. After audio taping the interview, the data would be transcribed and will be checked for matching. Interview Process The written consent will be taken from the participants prior to the interview. Interview will be conducted in Arabic as it is participants ease; so the data will be understood well and bias would be reduced in this way. Probes would be used to explore more information and will provide direction to the participant. Field notes will be taken; observation would be noted such as non verbal communication of the patient. Does the non verbal and verbal communication matches or not and observation related to the environment that provides and clue related to the data or experience. The data analysis will be proceeded by guidelines (unrau coleman, 1997) (a) the transcribed interview of the participants will be coded for analyzing data, (b) identifying emerging themes in the data, (c) labeling the themes with significant code words, (d) codes will be clustered and labeled using broader themes and sub themes throughout analytic process, (e) the thematic strands will be weaved together into an i ntegrated picture of phenomena under investigation. Data analysis will be carried out manually. The researcher will read the data over and over in search of meaning and deeper understanding, carefully reading the interviews to obtain a general sense of the experience. Data Analysis Plan Data analysis in qualitative research is actually begins when data collection begins (Polit Beck, 2008) therefore, the researcher will start analyzing the data after taking the first interview. The qualitative data analysis involves four cognitive processes: comprehension- identifying the themes; synthesis- merging of the themes to make a composite pattern; theorizing- connecting the findings with the larger body of knowledge; re-contextualization- applying the findings to other setting or the context in which the findings fit (Morse, 1994). Therefore, these processes will be applied to the data analysis of this study. (a) for analyzing data, the transcribed interview will be coded (b) identifying emerging themes in the data, (c) labeling the themes with significant code words, (d) codes will be clustered and labeled using broader themes and sub themes throughout analytic process, (e) the thematic strands will be weaved together into an integrated picture of phenomena under investig ation. Data analysis will be carried out manually. The researcher will read the data over and over in search of meaning and deeper understanding, carefully reading the interviews to obtain a general sense of the experience. According to Morse and Field (2005), gathering the responses according to the question is a significant procedure for semi structured interviews. Therefore, the researcher will read the transcripts and gather the responses to each question in a separate file. The gathered responses to each question will be organized in a text that will have three columns. The centre column will contain the participants responses, the left column will show the coding and the right column will include my comments and thoughts concerning the text. The qualitative content analysis will be used as analytic method, while for content analysis the form which is referred by Morse and Field (1995) will be utilized. The form divided into manifest and latent content analysis. In manifest analysis, t he researcher search for specific words, phrases or ideas used in the content of interview. In latent analysis, the researcher search for the underlying meaning of the message showed in the text. The latent content analysis has greater validity than manifest analysis as it permits for the coding of the meaning and not just the words of the participants (Morse Field, 1995). Therefore, the researcher will use both analysis methods. For coding, the researcher will reread the text and underline words or phrases and will copy them into the left hand column of the document. At the same time, the researcher also aggregate codes into relevant categories in a separate document. Pseudonyms and identification number to each individual text will be given. The pseudonyms will help to imagine the respondent and to make sense of it, whereas, identification number will facilitate to identify patterns during coding and categorization exercises. The codes with each category will be identified from its origin through identification number. The short form of category will also be assign to a code as well. Each category will be compared and contrast that may help to create sub categories. After sorting the major categories into smaller ones, the researcher will look for atypical and representative cases that will help to explain the significant experience found in the research. The researcher will also look for the relationships among categories to find common themes. The researcher will also refer to the notes that have non verbal expressions of the participants and her own feelings in the analysis process. The researcher will be involving the committee members and supervisor throughout the analysis process. Ethical Considerations The proposal will be sent to the Universitys Ethical review committee (ERC) which will give a written permission for the study. Informed consent and Permission will be obtained from Aswan Directors of Health. The principle of autonomy will be followed which means that Participants will be approached to consent for voluntary participation. Complete information about the study will be provided to the participants. The participant will be informed about the study purpose, risks and benefits of participating. Participants will be approached to consent for voluntary participation and will have freedom to choose or to terminate their participation at any time during the study. No potential physical or psychological harm is expected. Those willing to participate will sign a consent form and a copy of the consent form will be provided to the participants. Confidentiality refers to the researchers assurance to the participants that the shared information will not be publicized (Burkhardt Nat haniel, 2002). Thus, confidentiality in this study will be maintained by not sharing the participants data with any other participant and will be observed throughout the study. Anonymity and confidentially is the key principle to maintain privacy (Burkhardt Nathaniel, 2002). The participants identity will not be revealed in the study. Codes will be used instead of the name. The researcher will assure the participants of their confidentiality. The data will not be utilized for any other purpose, there being aneed for secondary analysis of the data permission will be obtained from relevant bodies. This study will help middle age women to verbalize their perceptions, feelings and experience about BSE. Women might get emotionally upset in the process of sharing their experience. In these instances break would be provided during the interview. The researcher will answer all the participants queries in order to provide complete information regarding the study to easy tension and promte c omfort. Rigor Trustworthiness is the term used in the qualitative research to show rigor (Poilt and Beck, 2008). In this study the rigor will be maintained throughout by utilizing Lincoln and Guba (1985) guidelines. Lincoln and Guba identified four criteria for maintaining trustworthiness of a qualitative research (i) credibility, or (Truth value), (ii) dependability, reliability or Auditability, (iii) confirmability or Neutrality, and (iv) Transferability, Fittingness. The research will be described clearly; the procedures will be used to ensure that the data will be recorded accurately. The researcher will ensure that findings and the themes will be logical and reflective of the data. Credibility, dependability, conformability, and transferability will be maintained. Credibility Lincoln and Guba (1985) credibility presented such faithful descriptions or interpretations of a human experience that the people having that experience would immediately recognize it . . . (p. 30). Also when others can recognize the experience by reading about it. To confirm the credibility of the findings, the researcher will share the outcomes with women, who recognized the findings and conformed that they were true to their experiences and perception, this establishes the credibility. One technique to improve credibility is to give out sufficient time for data collection activities to gain an in-depth understanding of the individuals experience. Dependability/ Auditability it could be maintained when another researcher can clearly follow the decision trail used by the investigator. In addition, another researcher could arrive at the same or comparable but not contradictory conclusions given the researchers data, perspective, and situation.To provide dependability, the researcher applied and recorded the audit trial. Lincoln and Guba (1985), state, Conformability is termed as a process to provide the study records in order to maintain the objectivity; and to verify the quality and adequacy of the results and interpretation. (Lincoln Guba, 1985).In this study the audit trail and research plan will be shared with the thesis supervisor and to the committee members so that they would verify its dependability. Dependability relies on three factors and should be ensured by the researcher: the sample size, the analysis approach, and the dissemination of the research result. The sample size will be sufficient for the research design as the researcher will achi eved saturation, and the researcher plans to disseminate the study findings through publication of articles and presentations at the national and international level. Conformability when auditability, fittingness, and credibility have been established by an audit trail, conformability could be achieved. Audit trail consist of raw data, memos, communications, records of gestures, etc. the researcher applied an audit trail to meet these conditions by constructing and maintaining a record of unrefined data, data reduction and reconstruction, synthesis products and consequent analysis (Lincoln Guba, 1985). Transferability It will be achieved when study findings fit into contexts outside the study situation and when the audience views the findings as meaningful and transferable to the rest of the potential users. Lincoln and Guba (1985) termed transferability as the way of presenting adequate data such that external conclusions may be made about the findings. These in-depth interviews, with rich descriptions about menopause experience allow the readers to decide about its transferability. Through rich and extensive description, the researcher will provide with in-depth information about the contexts, the data, and the participants. Limitations Limitations of the study includes: (I) the data collection plan is limited to three months only as it is a part of masters programme that may affect the quality of the study. (II) The researchers own experiences and opinion there is a chance of biasness. (III) The transferability of the study findings will be limited to Aswans population; as each community has specific culture. (IV) Because of the culture and the topic some of the participant will not share full information about their experience. Finding Dissemination Plan Results will be presented to nurses and nurse leaders of Aswan Directors of Health. The researcher will give recommendations and will work with Aswan nurse and their leaders to achieve the recommendations. The study will be presented at national scientific conferences and seminars, as well as published in local and international journal. References Abdel-Fattah, M., Zaki, A., Bassili, A., El-Shazly, M., Tognoni, G. (2000). Breast self- examination practice and its impact on breast cancer diagnosis in Alexandria, Egypt. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 6(1), 34-40. Al Qattan, M. M., Al Saleh, K. A., AlMusallam, S. S., Masoud, G. M. (2008). Knowledge and factors affecting breast self examination among Kuwaiti women. Kuwait Medical Journal, 40 (2), 103-110. Alkhasawneh, I. M., Akhu-Zaheya, L. M

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Weaponizing Space :: Politics, National Space

1. There is an ongoing debate on the issue of weaponizing space in order to protect our national space assets and achieve national strategic objectives. This is an issue because of the increase of more space faring nations trying to exploit the benefits of space and other nations also trying to develop capabilities to disrupt other from using it. This background paper will outline the current international laws and policies, our national policies in regard to space, current issues that catalyzed this debate, the benefits and disadvantage of weaponizing space. 2. Space is also governed by rules and laws much like we do on land and sea. â€Å"Treaty on Principles Governming the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies,† or commonly referred to as the Outer Space Treaty was signed in 1966 by many nations, including the Unites States, and is the basis for most international space laws and policies. Some key points to take away from this treaty in relation to the space weapons debate are the following: â€Å"(1) outer space is open to all nations to explore and use; (2) nations cannot own any portion of outer space; (3) outer space will be used for peaceful purposes; (4) nations cannot place, put in orbit, or station any weapons of mass destruction in any form in outer space.† (UNOOSA) These principles and laws are also mostly reflected in our nation’s space policy, and our national security space strategy. 3. Our National Space Policy (NSP) is derived from the President’s vision and directives. NSP incorporates the terms outlined in the Outer Space Treaty, as well as two caveats: (1) to deter, defend our nation’s space assets, and â€Å"if deterrence fails, defeat efforts to attack them [enemy Capt Cho/SOS/Flight C-33/3-6060/DBC/06 May 2011 threats]† (NSP, 3); (2) â€Å"to work with international partners to continue to promote peaceful use of space.† (NSP,4). Also, NSP shapes the National Security Space Strategy (NSSS), which the Department of Defense uses to direct the way the military develop and utilize space capabilities. 4. NSSS states a few current trends in space as being â€Å"congested and contested† (NSSS, 8), which is shaping our space strategic environment as well as fueling debates for space weapons. â€Å"Congested† trend refers to the current â€Å"60 nations and government consortia that own and operate satellites and the expectation to have 9000 satellite communication transponders in orbit by 2015.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Future of Freedom Essay -- essays research papers fc

History The Future of Freedom   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In his book, The Future of Freedom, Fareed Zakaria writes that we must make democracy safe for the world. The American democracy sets the standard around the world for liberal democracies, but transitions across for other countries across the world toward a liberal democracy is often difficult and with poor decision making, close to impossible. Liberal democracies are the systems in which people choose their government and live in an environment of freedom. In Zakaria’s book, he warns the readers of several telltale signs that their process toward a liberal democracy is in trouble. He uses examples of different countries doing it right and doing it wrong- the ones discussed in this essay will be Russia and China.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After the communist collapse in Russia, Zakaria writes that Russia concentrated too much on a quick fix. The leaders wanted to mimic the American democracy an instituted â€Å"free and fair elections,† but they forgot about establishing a stable economy. Robert Kaplan writes in his essay, â€Å"Was Democracy Just a Moment?† that countries need to establish a stable economic system before they try to institute a political system or else that political system will fail. Specifically, Kaplan thinks that there should be a strong and large middle class in the nation before it leaders think democracy will work. Kaplan was not the only intellectual to say this; Aristotle believed that a strong middle class bred a strong society. The idea about this is that democracy cannot work if the majority of a country is poor and starving while a small minority has all the money. The poor will be too preoccupied with trying to survive than maintaining the government. R ussia relied too much on its natural resources instead of trying to build a functioning economy (Zakaria, 92). Zakaria writes, â€Å"Russia’s fundamental problem is not that it is a poor country struggling to modernize, but rather that it is a rich country struggling to modernize† (92). By making the mistake of first fixing the political system before the economy, and then mismanaging its resources, Russia’s political system fell prey to corruption. Zakaria writes, â€Å"Yeltsin did little to build institutions in Russia. In fact he weakened almost all competing centers of power-the legislature, the courts, regional governors† (93). ... ...e his blessing for open economic markets (Zakaria, 83). That leads us to the present time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With examples like Singapore, China hopes to maintain its current situation. Zakaria writes, â€Å"Their role model is former prime minister Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore. Lee achieved the dream of every strongmen: to modernize the economy, even the society, of his country, but not the politics† (85). Ironically, Zakaria feels Chinese officials should return to the teachings of Karl Marx for help. He writes, â€Å"Marx understood that when a country modernizes its economy, embraces capitalism, and creates a bourgeoisie, the political system will change to reflect that transformation† (Zakaria, 87). Zakaria holds hope that the leaders will come around and accept the inevitability of China eventually becoming a liberal democracy. All of those involved, realize that that process will be a long and strenuous one because hardly any leader ever gives up his power willingly. Works Cited Kaplan, Robert D. â€Å"Was Democracy Just a Moment?† The Atlantic Monthly. Boston: December, 1997. Zakaria, Fareed. The Future of Freedom. W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.: New York, 2004.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Heroism of Dying for Ones Country in Poetry Essay -- William Shak

The Heroism of Dying for One's Country in Poetry The Volunteer is a Pro-War poem written by Herbert Asquith. Asquith uses roman imagery to invoke a feeling of greatness and honour. Asquith begins his poem by describing the miserable, mundane life of a clerk, working in a 'city grey'. He opens with the words 'Here lies' that are normally used to begin writing on a gravestone. This 'epitaph' - style opening gives the idea that the clerk has now passed away and the poem will concentrate on events beforehand. We are told the clerk has spent 'half his life' doing boring work ('..Toiling at ledgers..'), his days drifting away. There is a distinct lack of fulfilment in his life, '..With no lance broken in life's tournament' ('Lance' is roman imagery) And yet he dreams of '..The gleaming eagles of the legions..' and horsemen '..thundering past beneath the oriflamme..' (or battle flag.) Asquith cleverly uses the expression '..The gleaming eagles of the legions..' to conjure up ideas in the reader's mind of great gleaming roman soldiers. This adds to the ideology that war is a glamorous and noble thing. In his second stanza, Asquith tells us that '..those waiting dreams are satisfied..' Obviously, the clerk has joined the army. He talks of '..waiting dreams..' giving the impression that the clerk has dreamt of this for a very long time. He goes on to say '..From twilight to the halls of dawn he went..' I think what he means is that the clerk has gone from his dull city to a new, brighter beginning. And although he died he is happy. '..His lance is broken but he lies content..' Because in that 'high hour in which he lived and died' he achieved something he had dreamt of forever. Asquith also mentions that the ... uses images of death and an epitaph style opening to convey the message of a valiant death. I don't think that making the reader think of death will inspire him or her to fight for their country at all. Dulce est Decorum Est is the most effective poem of the three. It's usage of vivid and horrific imagery could make any patriotic citizen think again before going to war. The structure of the poem is extremely well thought out because it begins to get extremely shocking in the final stanza, almost certainly making the reader sway away from the honourable image he or she had of war before reading. It then finishes with labelling Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori a lie. This is intelligent because the reader is at his most easily influenced after reading the horrific description in the final stanza and therefore is more likely to agree with this point.

Gender and Socialization Essay

The main purpose of this paper is to focus on gender socialization. Human beings that belong to different societies have varied perceptions, opinions, and manners toward socializing with the same or opposite sex. Categorized in the main gender types, male and female are known to react in different ways when given and exposed in the same situation. Regardless of cultural norms or mores of any society in particular, interaction with peers, family, classmates, and other people depend on the male’s and female’s orientation in gender socialization and gender roles. Some concepts attempt to explain the gender issues faced by the two gender types. These attributions of concepts then play an important role in understanding the different societies’ construct of their existing mechanisms of gender roles and expectations including the societies’ gender markers as determinants of sex and gender (SparkNotes, 2008). Gender Socialization Gender and socialization are two different terms that have a relationship with each other. Gender refers to the behavioral characteristics of an individual regarding an individual’s essence of womanhood or manhood, masculinity or femininity, while socialization refers to the social and interpersonal instincts of human in interacting, communicating, and dealing with others. A newborn infant for instance, may be oriented towards its gender by its first experience of socialization after being born. The infant may be more exposed to male socialization rather than female socialization or vice versa which would later on affect the behavior of the infant while growing up. Another example is the way parents choose what the appropriate toy is to be played by their sons and daughters. Usually, parents buy their baby girl a mini-kitchen or ironing set to orient them (however, it is subconscious for the parents’ part) with the future maternal role. For the baby boy’s part, they are usually given toy trucks or tools for various chores in the house for the same underlying purpose. Moreover, upon receiving the presents, the girls usually react more appreciative and smiling than the boys. The essence of gender socialization then, is for the infants to learn the behavior appropriate for their designated sexes (SparkNotes, 2008). Reaction By the time an infant reaches ten months after the day of birth, gender socialization is already executed through the infant’s interaction with the environment, its family members, and caretakers. This is the time when the infant starts to identify him- or herself in either of the two sexes: male or female. Thus, this is also the time for newborn infants to associate the specific gender roles (the attributes and behavior that the culture constructively defines) that are appropriate for their sex and gender. Later in the life of infants, the effects of the previous experience in gender orientation would reflect in their current behavior. Meanwhile, I should say from personal experience that I was mostly given a Barbie doll for Christmas or birthday present. In so doing, I grew up to become a very neat lady who has the taste for fashion and luxury Further, I attribute the idea that I have become a fashionable and finesse lady to my previous hobby of playing, dressing and undressing my Barbie doll (SparkNotes, 2008). Conclusion Gender socialization teaches the infants that would grow as adults the appropriate roles defined by culture and behaviors that are expected of them by the society. Submission to the expectations of the culture and society is important, as every living individual has to interact with others in whatever society he or she belongs to in order to survive and attain a sense of belongingness. Family, peer groups, school, mass media, and some texts play a part in honing this cultured set of beliefs regarding the appropriate roles and expected behaviors for men and women. Men who are accustomed to playing tough games in their childhood result to be future tough guys and women are the opposite. Reference SparkNotes. (2008). Gender socialization. In SparkNotes 101: Sociology. Retrieved December 9, 2008 from http://www. sparknotes. com/101/sociology/socialization/gender_socialization. html.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

American red cross

The American blushing(a) particular, new(prenominal) than known as ARS, was founded by aery leader Clara Barton in 1881. She was stimulate by the civilise of the inter home(a) passing mystify while she was in atomic number 63 during the Franco- Prussian war of 1870-1871. She was so enliven that she brought the specimen back to the United say and guide the organization through its get-go subject area and international balance missions, including assisting the U. S. host during the Spanish-American War in 1898.The deprivation go after was undertake by the United States sexual relation to campaign on a system of national and international relief in sentence of peace and apply the corresponding in mitigating the sufferings caused by pestilence, famine, leaven, floods, and other abundant national calamities, and to devise and carry on measures for preventing the same. The conduct is unique to the exit featherbed because it assigns duties and obligations to the nation, to mishap survivors, and to the people who generously nourish their work through donations.Red cross(a) adventure relief focuses on meeting peoples nimble pinch needs caused by accident. When disaster threatens or strikes, the Red bedevil provides shelter, food, and health and stirred up health service to manage fundamental human needs and assist individuals and families in resuming their normal daily activities independently. The Red Cross also feeds emergency workers worry fire fighters and police, handles inquiries from concerned family members outside the disaster area, provides rent and blood products to disaster victims, and jockstraps them nark other vailable resources.Each year, the American Red Cross at present responds to about 70,000 natural and unreal disasters in the U. S. , ranging from fires to hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, hazardous materials spills, transportation accidents and explosions. populate cypher on the Red Cro ss to help them in their darkest hour. In turn, the subscribe to of donors makes it practical for the Red Cross to suffer its humane mission. They are deeply delicious for the unselfishness of individuals, corporations and foundations who invest in the Red Cross.American red crossThe American Red Cross, otherwise known as ARS, was founded by visionary leader Clara Barton in 1881. She was inspired by the work of the international Red Cross while she was in Europe during the Franco- Prussian War of 1870-1871. She was so inspired that she brought the model back to the United Stated and led the organization through its first domestic and international relief missions, including assisting the U. S. military during the Spanish-American War in 1898.The Red Cross was chartered by the United States Congress to carry on a system of national and international relief in time of peace and apply the same in mitigating the sufferings caused by pestilence, famine, fire, floods, and other grea t national calamities, and to devise and carry on measures for preventing the same. The Charter is unique to the Red Cross because it assigns duties and obligations to the nation, to disaster survivors, and to the people who generously support their work through donations.Red Cross disaster relief focuses on meeting peoples immediate emergency needs caused by disaster. When disaster threatens or strikes, the Red Cross provides shelter, food, and health and emotional health service to address basic human needs and assist individuals and families in resuming their normal daily activities independently. The Red Cross also feeds emergency workers like fire fighters and police, handles inquiries from concerned family members outside the disaster area, provides blood and blood products to disaster victims, and helps them access other vailable resources.Each year, the American Red Cross immediately responds to about 70,000 natural and man-made disasters in the U. S. , ranging from fires t o hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, hazardous materials spills, transportation accidents and explosions. People count on the Red Cross to help them in their darkest hour. In turn, the support of donors makes it possible for the Red Cross to fulfill its humanitarian mission. They are deeply grateful for the generosity of individuals, corporations and foundations who invest in the Red Cross.